Waiting for acceptances to university and to hear about what specialization you get into are similar experiences. The process is the first step to the rest of your university career and is something that is very exciting to be a part of. The steps to choose your specialization are all outlined in an email that all first year students should receive through their McMaster account. Mosaic will allow you to choose your top programs and rank them accordingly. By the start of the summer students will then be hearing back about what program they have been admitted to. Picking one’s specialization is not the end all be all and not getting into your top choice is ok. However, it is extremely important that students select a list of programs that reflect their goals.
Picking a specialization could seem a little daunting, therefore, listed below there are some key points to keep in mind when making this decision.
What are your interests?
Students should pick a program that allows them to focus and explore things that are of interest. Whether that be a specific topic or a skill, each program within the Faculty of Science offers students a different experience and set of skills.
2. What are your career goals?
When ranking programs of interest, students should consider what they hope to do in the future. If you are unsure about your future plans, refer to point 1 and select a program that aligns with your interests.
3. What do I hope to gain while at McMaster?
This may be an idea that many do not consider when selecting their specialization. Students enter university with the intention to gain knowledge and take part in new experiences, therefore, there are other important factors that many should consider before making a decision. Asking yourself questions such as who do I hope to connect with? How will this benefit me in the future? And how will this work alongside my current commitments? Considering these questions and the overall benefit of the degree should always be kept in mind.
Students that are considering selecting Honours Life Science as their future program are always welcome! Joining this program has many benefits that allow students to realize their true passions and future career paths. The large number of electives that are given to students as a program requirement encourage them to explore different interests and practice different skills. Furthermore, professors and peers in this program stress an interdisciplinary learning approach which provides us with the chance to become more well-rounded and better prepared for the real world. Finally, students within the program and the supports that are available from the Faculty of Science allows students in Life Science to succeed and leave university with an amazing undergraduate experience and a strong educational background.
By Zara Badiani - LSS VP Finance 2020 - 2021
